Thursday, 14 August 2008

how to catch a cheating spouse

Suspicion of infidelity is a horrible thing.

It can cause insecurity, anxiety, fear, sleeplessness, depression, and can occupy your thoughts and mind all hours of the day and night.This can lead to immense amounts of emotional stress.Catch a man cheating for your own peace of mind.

You begin to speculate: What did I do to drive him them away? Did I love him enough? Did I smother him? Will I ever trust him again? Will our relationship ever be the same? What does the other person have that I don't?If you don't catch a man cheating these thoughts and questions will consume your brain.

After a while your health can suffer and your performance at work can suffer.

And then it starts to affect others.

Your children can become aware that something is wrong with Mommy , and they too can feel insecurity, anxiety, fear, sleeplessness

And they too will begin to speculate.

Infidelity hurts the whole family especially innocent children.

And it destroys the safety and sanctity your home.Sometimes when you try to catch a man cheating you will be right and sometimes you will be wrong the important thing is you catch a man cheating or maybe your suspicions will be wrong but you must try to catch a man cheating and resolve this issue that is weighing on your mind and causing you so much undo stress.

Look ou for these RED FLAGS to catch a man cheating:

Usually, the thing that will tip you off to catch a man cheating is a change in behavior.

So, let's look at just a few of the behaviors that you might observe, if you catch a man cheating

Catch a man cheating look for Behavior At Home:

¨ Appears distant, show a lack of interest or develop an unexplained aloofness

¨ Is frequently tired or lack interest in the relationship

¨Comes home smelling of an unfamiliar fragrance

¨Wears cologne much more often than usual

¨Arrives home and heads straight into the shower/bath

¨Gets dressed up a little too well (to) for trips to the grocery or running some other kind of errand

¨Begins to speak more and more harshly to you, or are more sarcastic. Sometimes this is just an attempt to justify their cheating or to give them an excuse to storm out of the room/house

¨Asks about your schedule more often than usual

¨Develops an increased focus on losing weight or pays more attention to their appearance

¨Stops wearing his wedding ring and, when asked, can't give a reasonable explanation

Catch a man cheating with changes in romance

¨Is no longer interested in sex, or he makes excuses for its infrequency.

¨Starts to request kinky or other erotic sexual activity that you have never done before, including watching porn

¨Shows a new talent in the bedroom

¨Appears reluctant to kiss you

¨Criticizes you for showing him attention.

¨Continues giving poor excuses for why he is not in the mood to make love. Catch a man cheating with these oddities in his work

¨Work longer hours, more frequently and keep you from viewing his paycheck/pay-stubs

¨Changes his established routine with no apparent reason

¨Begins discouraging you from calling him at work

¨Is often unavailable when you try to call him at work.

¨Returns calls long after you leave a message for him.

¨Prefers to attend work functions alone and tries to discourage you from attending.

¨Takes more trips for business reasons

Catch a man cheating with suspicious phone behavior

¨Receives mysterious phone calls.

¨You get an increasing number of hang-ups or wrong numbers when you pick up the phone.

¨Phone bills show unexplained toll or long distance charges.

¨Hurriedly answers the phone to answer it before you do.

¨Leaves the room to talk on the phone.

¨Whispers while on the phone.

¨Deletes numbers from caller ID

¨Behaves differently or ends the telephone calls abruptly when you enter the room. Or appears to hang up quickly.

Catch a man cheating Paper trails

¨Finding credit card receipts for gifts you didn't receive.

¨An increase in ATM withdrawals.

¨Credit card receipts showing purchases from places that unknown to you or seem suspect

¨He rushes to get the mail before you do.

¨Unusual phone numbers appear on the bill.

¨The duration and time of the calls appear excessive.

¨He are secretive about their cell phone bill.

¨He starts to pay the phone bills or credit card bills themselves.

¨ You notice business travel or other deductions for travel or other expenses that you were unaware of.

Catch a man cheating with these signs from the car

¨The passenger'sseat is adjusted differently than you had left it.

¨Taking child seat out of the car for no particular reason.

¨Finding suspicious items like phone numbers, receipts, lipstick, condoms or strange hairs in the vehicle.

¨Keeping a change of clothes in the trunk.

¨Unexplainable mileage or a lack of additional mileage. For example, if your spouse state they went out of town yet the odometer indicates that only a distance of 25 miles had been driven. Conversely, if your spouse states they have only been to the office that day, yet their odometer shows many more miles ad been driven, this too, may be a significant matter.

Computer-related to catch a man cheating

¨They warily guard access to their computer.

¨They shut down the computer as you walk into the room.

¨They add password protection their computer.

¨Or they stay up to "work" on the computer long after you havve gone to bed.

¨They have unusual sites showing in their browser history, or erase them after each late-night session.

¨They delete email message more frequently

Again, let me reiterate that these behaviors are only indicators of infidelity and are not absolutes.

Some cheaters are very deceitful and can cover their tracks superbly. They may become more attentive in an effort to compensate for the fact that their attentions are going elsewhere. They behave like model parents in an effort to alleviate their guilt. They can juggle the extra-marital relationship, while tending to the marriage in a seemingly flawless way.

They may also have friends that will help them to get out of the house or provide alibis for the cheater.

When You Begin to suspect, just observe -don't accuse: If, after some consideration, you begin to have suspicions then don't accuse, but just observe. If you accuse your partner and are mistaken, you risk causing unnecessary and irreparable damage to your relationship damage that may take a lot of time to recover from. Find out how to catch a man cheating.

Saturday, 9 August 2008

How To Catch A Cheating Spouse

3 Infidelity Warning Signs You Must Know article by how to catch a cheating spouse expert, Christina Caci

When your partner is cheating on you, it affects everything in your life. Your emotions go haywire. Your work suffers. Your family wonders what is wrong. Your friends don't know how to help. Everyone is affected, all by the selfish actions of one person.

Protect yourself from a cheating partner! Sometimes its just sex, other times, it is much more sinister. Watch out for these very worrisome signs of a cheater:

Your bank account suddenly looks rather thin. You have been making the same amount of money, or even more. Are you really spending all of it? Look for signs of entries in your account logbook that have been tampered with.

A cheating partner planning on a getaway with their new lover will often siphon money out of the bank account and hope you don't notice.

They might add a few twenties to the grocery receipt when they write it down on the checkbook. They might pull money from an ATM and say it was for gas, when it was really going into their own private stash. Either way, they are setting you up to pay for their rendezvous!

Look into the interactions they have with your close friends. It's sad, but true many affairs happen between a cheating spouse and your best friends! Watch to see if your friends are spending a little too much time with your partner. Do they go out without you? Do they share intimate conversations?

If your good buddy is suddenly avoiding your calls, asking detailed questions about the intimacy of your relationship, or knows more about your partner than you do, that's a big red flag. You could wind up losing both a partner and a friend if they are sleeping together behind your back.

Finally, pay close attention to your health. It's another harsh reality of affairs: You know who you are sleeping with, but do you know where your partner has been?

If you go to the doctor and get the surprise diagnosis of a sexually transmitted disease, you should look to your partner for the answer. If you know you have been faithful, where in the world would you have gotten such a diagnosis? Someone had to be sneaking around in order to make you sick!

If you suspect your partner is cheating, watch your bank account, watch your friends, and get tested for STDs on a regular basis. It's important that you protect yourself from the consequences of their selfish actions!

What other signs of a cheating spouse should you know?

About the Author

If you're looking for more information on how to catch them cheating, be sure to check out Quickly learn the one word that every cheater uses to get away with cheating on you and how you can easily avoid this huge mistake!

how to catch a cheating spouse

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

how to catch a cheating spouse

Learn How to Catch a Cheating Spouse Just Like a Detective article by how to catch a cheating spouse expert, Tong Lin

If you suspect that your spouse is cheating on you, you don't have to go to the expenses of hiring a private detective to find out if your suspicions are correct. You can easily learn the tricks of the trade about how to catch a cheating spouse and your spouse will never know that you are onto him/her until you confront him/her with the evidence. Gathering the information and the evidence will be very tough if you still care for your spouse and it is hard to find out that your feelings are not being reciprocated or that you have been betrayed.

You do have to become deceptive and start doing sneaky things in order to find out if your spouse is actually cheating on you. This way if you are wrong and there is nothing going on, he/she will be none the wiser and will not feel that he/she no longer has your trust. The thing is that if you find out there is nothing going on you may feel guilty about being so deceptive but you do have to be able to live with this guilt.

Catching your cheating spouse will involve such things as examining all the receipts that you take out of the pockets. It will involve checking computer and telephone records to see what sites he/she has been on and where he/she has called. If you have Caller ID, you can check the numbers of the incoming calls to find out if there are any unfamiliar numbers and then find out who these numbers belong to. Most people are aware that their number will come up on Caller ID and take steps to block the number when they call. This will make things a little more difficult. One sign you should watch for is that if your spouse never bothered with erasing the list of calls and now faithfully does it after every call, then this is one sign that will confirm your suspicions.

Use every opportunity to answer your spouse's cell phone. More than likely this is how he/she is communicating with the other person in the relationship. You should do a check of the numbers on the cell phone and use a reverse phone look up on the Internet to find a name and address associated with this number. Check the text messages on the phone to see what messages have been left. Chances are if there are any you won't have to go any further with your investigation once you find incriminating evidence.

If you know your spouses email password, then you can check the emails that he/she receives. Your spouse may have met someone on a chat line and is now becoming very interested in that person. If you notice that he/she logs off or closes the screen as soon as you enter the computer area, this should alert you that there is cheating going on. You can take the time to check the sites that your spouse has visited and there are many computer experts who will show you how to do this if you do not know how.

About the Author

For more information on how to catch a cheating spouse,signs of a cheating spouse and cheating husbands visit

how to catch a cheating spouse